Super Princess ™ - مملكة الأميرات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الجمعة ديسمبر 17, 2010 2:17 am
تقييم المساهمة: 100% (1)

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Hello58

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Welcome111

H e l l o

my cute princess

how are you doing??

how are your study??

this my blog I will write a little about my self

I wish you like it

lets start from Monday

13-12-2010 ❤

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الجمعة ديسمبر 17, 2010 2:24 am

In Monday,

13-12-2010 ❤

I woke up in 7:00am

I eat my break fast then I ready for university

I take a shower , wear my collage's clothes, make my hair

And important thing is put make up , huh

I arrived to college around 8:15 am so I late

I walk as fast as I can but when I arrived to the class

I don't find the miss she was absent so there is no lecture

How sad I feel I wake up early just for this lecture

I suppose to be sleeping in that time if I know before

if I open the website of university

but how stupid I am

then I stayed with my friend from 8:15 am to 1:00pm

so, it was long time with out lectures

but, I really got fun on it

I went to bank that inside college and put my card which I took it

From college. I found money I was really happy

I took some from it .

Then, I went to bazaar and bought a lot of things

Next, I talked with my friend and prayed duhur to 1:00 pm

Then the lecture start it was "grammar's lecture"

Its end around 1:45

Then the second lecture start "listening and speaking's lecture"

Its end around 3:30 pm

Then I call my driver to came and take me to home

After that I prayed asser

I back to home around 4:00 pm

So, I came so tired after long day at college

Huh, I felt I have spent half of the day at college

I slept to 9:00 pm and prayed maghrib and ishaa

Finally, I open my laptop to my favorite websites

Oh, yeah

Do you observe I didn’t study but why??

Because English is my favorite subject

It doesn't needs to memorize only its needs to understand

Not like other subjects for this why I love it

How is my day are you like it ??

Huh, I'm really tired from writing

Bunny lover

أنعم قطة
أنعم قطة
♣ عدد المشاركات : 33585
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : افتراضية
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1893449
♣ تم شكري : 8079

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الجمعة ديسمبر 17, 2010 5:41 pm
v e n n i s s a || my own blog  965836

Oh WoooW
how Sweet Blog
" ما شاء الله "

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  777354

I really liked good job sweet fofa
I enjoyed when I am reading

What a beautiful day
but it is long

the best part when you

(( take money from the Bank of University ))

I felt that you are important
ما شاء الله تبارك الله

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  692245

I wish you success in the university

Keep you good work

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

السبت ديسمبر 18, 2010 3:45 am
أنعم قطة كتب:
v e n n i s s a || my own blog  965836

the best part when you

(( take money from the Bank of University ))

I felt that you are important
ما شاء الله تبارك الله

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  692245

I wish you success in the university
Keep you good work

huh, that because the university give us money every month

and I was a new student, so it's late to three months

: ورد : : ورد :

thank you sweety ,also I wish you the best

in entering the university

good luck

: Kiss :

أنعم قطة
أنعم قطة
♣ عدد المشاركات : 33585
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : افتراضية
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1893449
♣ تم شكري : 8079

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الخميس يناير 27, 2011 3:56 pm


I miss you, my dear

When will ends these Stupid tests

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  334373

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

السبت يناير 29, 2011 5:32 am

oh,babe I already finish from Wednesday

I miss you too

: بكاء 2 :

I am sorry

أنعم قطة
أنعم قطة
♣ عدد المشاركات : 33585
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : افتراضية
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1893449
♣ تم شكري : 8079

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الأحد يناير 30, 2011 5:29 am
v e n n i s s a || my own blog  777354
F i n a l l y
w e l c o m e b a c k

لهفة شوق
لهفة شوق
♣ عدد المشاركات : 6178
♣ وطني الغالي : الكويت
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1001854
♣ تم شكري : 1566

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الأحد فبراير 13, 2011 10:25 pm
thank you very much^_^
♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الإثنين فبراير 14, 2011 12:04 am
you welcome sweet heart

thanks for reply

أنعم قطة
أنعم قطة
♣ عدد المشاركات : 33585
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : افتراضية
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1893449
♣ تم شكري : 8079

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الثلاثاء مارس 08, 2011 9:11 am

Fofa we are waite for you new !

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  671295

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الجمعة مارس 11, 2011 5:52 am

oh, In sha'a allah

I will write soon

but now my lab top is broke

and it needs little fix

and I will back

I promise


♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

السبت مارس 26, 2011 7:18 am
v e n n i s s a || my own blog  2553149053

Hi girls I miss my log

Long time no write

OK today I will talk about my second semester

like you know we start our second term month ago

so,in this semester I have 7 subjects first I've 4 specialize

.subjects and 3 general subjects

The first 4 specialize subjects are Reading ,Writing ,Grammar

And listening and speaking all of these in level 2 .

They are the same as level 1 with no any different .

But , general subjects are thaqafah , Arabic language

and social sciences .

Thaqafah is so hard subject it has too long booklet

It contain more than 200 pages.

In addition, its teacher is so strict

I hate her she is really evil.

Can you believe from her first meeting

She told us her evil rules:

1- one come after her even after just a minute or she will no

Consider as absent and if she absent for 3 times

She will failed in the course – oh my god-.

2- all the booklet with us and no word is delete.

3-her questions are very hard and she said this

By her self.

4- don't call me teacher because I am doctor .

You believe all this in one human

No she's really unbelievable she is

Like nightmare in my life

Everyday I think about her she make my life


Not only me who feel that

All the girls do.

Huh, I think that's enough for thaqafa

Let's go to the next .

Arabic language ,
it's very easy subject because

I used to learn it at school for long time

But, let me tell about its teacher

She is really nice teacher

She is a good writer she said that she wrote

In many newspaper like al Riyadh , al jazeerah . .etc.

She also write poems and wrote tow books .

She gives us her phone number and her e-mail if we need help

We can call her .

I look for her name in internet and I found her

Writings , her books and her meetings in some forums.

Not only that but she also gives us easy and short lessons.

The last subject is social sciences,

The subject is very good

Seriously , I like it because it's a new subject

About its teacher ..

Oh umm it's really embarrassing

But I'll tell you he is a man

And he is Egyptian but he really funny

We laughing all the class

I know now why boys no tired in study

Not like us girls huh.

The reason from their teachers .

Anyway, we don’t see him front of us

No we see him from the projector screen

And hear his sound and he only hear our sounds

Huh, in my first class with him I thought he is like TV

I'm not recognize that he talk to us and it isn't a TV

So, that was about my new semester it's really different

From the first one .

Bye girls

C.U ^.^

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  159581448

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  2553149053
قطة دلوعة
قطة دلوعة
♣ عدد المشاركات : 62
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 998637
♣ تم شكري : 12

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الأحد أبريل 10, 2011 4:40 am
hello how are you ?
sweet blog ma sa allah
you look really nice girl
thank you

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  794683

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الإثنين أبريل 11, 2011 3:41 am
:Arc Colors:

oh,babe you are too

I'm fine thank you

??how are you my sweet heart

I hope that you fine

you welcome

thanks for the reply

I am really happy for your reply


:Arc Colors:

الأميرة 20
الأميرة 20
♣ عدد المشاركات : 86
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 976638
♣ تم شكري : 33

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الثلاثاء أبريل 12, 2011 4:01 am
thank you very much^_^
♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الثلاثاء أبريل 12, 2011 7:11 am
you welcome sweet heart

thank you for the reply

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الثلاثاء أبريل 12, 2011 7:19 am

Hi girls

how are you

today I add a new topic

so I hope you see it and give me

your opinion about it

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

I wish you like it

♣ عدد المشاركات : 61
♣ وطني الغالي : الكويت
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 954721
♣ تم شكري : 13

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الإثنين مايو 23, 2011 3:11 pm

What a wonderful bloG

"مشالله تبارك الرحمن "
Fads in the written
I will comment it now

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  363688 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  59167 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  363688

♣ عدد المشاركات : 61
♣ وطني الغالي : الكويت
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 954721
♣ تم شكري : 13

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الإثنين مايو 23, 2011 3:25 pm
vennissa كتب:

In Monday,

13-12-2010 :heart:

I woke up in 7:00am

I eat my break fast then I ready for university

I take a shower , wear my collage's clothes, make my hair

And important thing is put make up , huh

I arrived to college around 8:15 am so I late

I walk as fast as I can but when I arrived to the class

I don't find the miss she was absent so there is no lecture

How sad I feel I wake up early just for this lecture

I suppose to be sleeping in that time if I know before

if I open the website of university

but how stupid I am

then I stayed with my friend from 8:15 am to 1:00pm

so, it was long time with out lectures

but, I really got fun on it

I went to bank that inside college and put my card which I took it

From college. I found money I was really happy

I took some from it .

Then, I went to bazaar and bought a lot of things

Next, I talked with my friend and prayed duhur to 1:00 pm

Then the lecture start it was "grammar's lecture"

Its end around 1:45

Then the second lecture start "listening and speaking's lecture"

Its end around 3:30 pm

Then I call my driver to came and take me to home

After that I prayed asser

I back to home around 4:00 pm

So, I came so tired after long day at college

Huh, I felt I have spent half of the day at college

I slept to 9:00 pm and prayed maghrib and ishaa

Finally, I open my laptop to my favorite websites

Oh, yeah

Do you observe I didn’t study but why??

Because English is my favorite subject

It doesn't needs to memorize only its needs to understand

Not like other subjects for this why I love it

How is my day are you like it ??

Huh, I'm really tired from writing

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  452471

What a tiring day for you
You got up early, but the teacher did not attend
This is sad
But look on the bright side was this day different from the days you spent at the university
YOU WENT shopping and this is fun and beautiful
, your university is very tired
You spend half your day there
But since you love the English language will, it becomes easy for you
I also like English unlike my friend LHOFA because she likes the Arabic language

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  197534 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  596272 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  197534
♣ عدد المشاركات : 61
♣ وطني الغالي : الكويت
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 954721
♣ تم شكري : 13

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الإثنين مايو 23, 2011 5:04 pm
vennissa كتب:v e n n i s s a || my own blog  2553149053

Hi girls I miss my log

Long time no write

OK today I will talk about my second semester

like you know we start our second term month ago

so,in this semester I have 7 subjects first I've 4 specialize

.subjects and 3 general subjects

The first 4 specialize subjects are Reading ,Writing ,Grammar

And listening and speaking all of these in level 2 .

They are the same as level 1 with no any different .

But , general subjects are thaqafah , Arabic language

and social sciences .

Thaqafah is so hard subject it has too long booklet

It contain more than 200 pages.

In addition, its teacher is so strict

I hate her she is really evil.

Can you believe from her first meeting

She told us her evil rules:

1- one come after her even after just a minute or she will no

Consider as absent and if she absent for 3 times

She will failed in the course – oh my god-.

2- all the booklet with us and no word is delete.

3-her questions are very hard and she said this

By her self.

4- don't call me teacher because I am doctor .

You believe all this in one human

No she's really unbelievable she is

Like nightmare in my life

Everyday I think about her she make my life


Not only me who feel that

All the girls do.

Huh, I think that's enough for thaqafa

Let's go to the next .

Arabic language ,
it's very easy subject because

I used to learn it at school for long time

But, let me tell about its teacher

She is really nice teacher

She is a good writer she said that she wrote

In many newspaper like al Riyadh , al jazeerah . .etc.

She also write poems and wrote tow books .

She gives us her phone number and her e-mail if we need help

We can call her .

I look for her name in internet and I found her

Writings , her books and her meetings in some forums.

Not only that but she also gives us easy and short lessons.

The last subject is social sciences,

The subject is very good

Seriously , I like it because it's a new subject

About its teacher ..

Oh umm it's really embarrassing

But I'll tell you he is a man

And he is Egyptian but he really funny

We laughing all the class

I know now why boys no tired in study

Not like us girls huh.

The reason from their teachers .

Anyway, we don’t see him front of us

No we see him from the projector screen

And hear his sound and he only hear our sounds

Huh, in my first class with him I thought he is like TV

I'm not recognize that he talk to us and it isn't a TV

So, that was about my new semester it's really different

From the first one .

Bye girls

C.U ^.^

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  159581448

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  2553149053

"مشالله تبارك الله "

Successful in this course,
English teacher has a mood very difficult and very strict in dealing
I do not like this kind of teachers IT makes your life a real nightmare
Such as
"لهووفه" is miserable,OF Mathematics teacher
Now WE do not find WHO works
Conscientiousness</SPAN></SPAN> and fear of God, and if you find, you'll find them very few
Such as ants, which be surrounded by cockroaches

I feel that the teacher of Arabic nice, good and very talented.
No wonder that social science teacher funny, it is Egypt's population are known humor
, hah I'll tell you something do not know about
"لهوف" SHE understanding of teachers faster than the parameters, if router came FOR HER CLASS
And explain a particular point of the lesson, SHE understand quickly which did not even take a minute, I do not know, maybe it simplifies the information so SHE can understand.
And I feel that teachers explain more accurately than the parameters, because the parameters if upset by something is do not explain accurately and be emotional, while the teacher does not like doing this because it is aware that in his hands a great responsibility

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  274293 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  274293 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  274293
♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الأحد يونيو 05, 2011 6:55 am
juliet كتب:

What a wonderful bloG

"مشالله تبارك الرحمن "
Fads in the written
I will comment it now

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  363688 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  59167 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  363688


you are more wonderful than my blog

I wait your comments

THANKS for your pass

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الأحد يونيو 05, 2011 7:09 am
juliet كتب:

What a tiring day for you
You got up early, but the teacher did not attend
This is sad
But look on the bright side was this day different from the days you spent at the university
YOU WENT shopping and this is fun and beautiful
, your university is very tired
You spend half your day there
But since you love the English language will, it becomes easy for you
I also like English unlike my friend LHOFA because she likes the Arabic language

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  197534 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  596272 v e n n i s s a || my own blog  197534

yeah,really it was very tired day

but I enjoyed in every minute

hahahah lahofa is really hate English

I know that she told me


for your comment I really estimated

♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

v e n n i s s a || my own blog  Empty رد: v e n n i s s a || my own blog

الإثنين يونيو 06, 2011 4:27 am
juliet كتب:

"مشالله تبارك الله "

Successful in this course,
English teacher has a mood very difficult and very strict in dealing
I do not like this kind of teachers IT makes your life a real nightmare
Such as
"لهووفه" is miserable,OF Mathematics teacher
Now WE do not find WHO works
Conscientiousness</SPAN></SPAN> and fear of God, and if you find, you'll find them very few
Such as ants, which be surrounded by cockroaches

I feel that the teacher of Arabic nice, good and very talented.
No wonder that social science teacher funny, it is Egypt's population are known humor
, hah I'll tell you something do not know about
"لهوف" SHE understanding of teachers faster than the parameters, if router came FOR HER CLASS
And explain a particular point of the lesson, SHE understand quickly which did not even take a minute, I do not know, maybe it simplifies the information so SHE can understand.
And I feel that teachers explain more accurately than the parameters, because the parameters if upset by something is do not explain accurately and be emotional, while the teacher does not like doing this because it is aware that in his hands a great responsibility

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oh no

not English teacher who strict

teacher(( الثقافة الأسلامية ))she is

yeah , you right we don't find

good teachers these days

hahahah masha,a Allah

lahoofa is very smart girl


THANK you so much

honey for your nice comments

they are really make me happy

الأميرة 20
الأميرة 20
♣ عدد المشاركات : 86
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 976638
♣ تم شكري : 33

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الإثنين يونيو 13, 2011 5:17 pm
Thank you for your effort, subject
Thank you
♣ عدد المشاركات : 10320
♣ وطني الغالي : السعودية
♣ مزاجي : تصميم انعم مصممة
♣ Sms : نحبك يا أحلى مملكة
♣ تم تقيمي : 1068284
♣ تم شكري : 2722

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الإثنين يونيو 13, 2011 8:49 pm
you welcome dear

thank you for your fascinating


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